Sunday, 15 November 2009


We started by filming establishing shots of Liverpool, Superdrug and Debenhams. We used pans and zooms to create effective shots. However it started to get dark by the time we had shot Superdrug so we had to re-shoot Superdrug again.

We filmed cutaway shots of make-up items but as the background was unsutiable and the glass table reflected the light to much we reshot the products on black sugar paper. We included Rimmel make-up and dream matte mousse as these were the most popular products in our audience research.

Cutaway shots on black paper.

We then filmed cut away shots of people applying makeup. We filmed these in close-ups to show the make-up being applied.

We filmed many cut away shots of make-up products. We panned, zoomed and also took still shots of make-up products in different arrangements.

We filmed many different shots of make-up in a make-up shop. We tried to get permission to film a make-up artist inside Debenhams but we couldnt get permission from head office. We also tried Superdrug but we were unable again so we couldnt interview a make-up artist.

We used these for cutaway shots.

We then set up and filmed an interview with a drag queen (Dysney) in a local bar where he works. We filmed the interview but realised when we played it back there was problems with the sound so we had to re-film it. We interviewed him again at his house, as he was gradually dressing up for work. We filmed most of the interview in over the shoulder shots so as we could capture him applying his make-up in the mirror aswell.

We filmed some handheld actuality footage of him working in the bar. We filmed him dancing, talking to customers and also outside the bar.

We took several shots of make-up lines in Asda.

We filmed a montage of the public answering our questions about make-up in town. Some of the background noise was too loud so we re-shot some questions in different locations.
We filmed the opening titles (lipstick on a mirror) but as we didnt want anything in the background we decided to re-film them again with a plain wall in the background.
We then filmed more cutaway shots of make-up.

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